ANGELIKA FOJTUCH                                                                                                                                                                      back




"Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so.

Genesis is the title and the topic of the cycle. The Duo Performances are totally reduced to the tools of the bodies. The artists name it the acting of the “homoperformer” and term this the pure performative act, without the attitudes of theatre or show. The research field for this performances is the world of the animals, their attitudes, their sounds and their movements. How strange, silly and at once wonderfull this behaviours can be for human eyes.

During this Performances there are moments where the viewpoint changes. From oberserving humans that makes animal movements to see suddenly animals that behaves like men or women.

In the jungle of civillisation the artists observe the homosapiens as a creature that with funny and silly attitudes, came for example close to the behaviour of a copulationdance of spiders. Is just the instinct and the useable mind the difference, or are we closer together than we think? In the performance are various of moments where the borders blur. The amazing sound of an gorilla that defends his territorium you can also hear in a neighbours fight, or a bear mother, that defends his childern, you can also observe on the streets in cities. And what is around with all these tigerdresses, crocodile bags and snake shoes?

The anthropological context of the art piece showing that in our technological world we are still that nacked biological creatures. Creatures with simple feelings and animally structures, that are crying, sweating, happy, stinky, produceing liquids, that are not that “hyperhuman” with more possibilities, even gentechnology and biotechnics influence our bodies...

I wonder what would have been happend if the God had said: Animals, make the human beings to your subject.




"...'odgrywają' niejako symbolicznie, trochę humorystycznie i zarazem bardzo fizycznie gesty przypisane męskim i żeńskim rolom, ale nie jest to dyskurs genderowy, ale wskazanie na archetypiczną istotę relacji płci, na biologiczną, seksualną moc tworzenia i niszczenia, zwierzęcą, niezbywalną zależność dwu energii..."  

"... perform gestures attributed to male and female functions in symbolically, a bit funny and very physically at the same time way. But it is not a discourse on gender. It is more to show an archetypal essence of sex relation, biological, sexual power of creating and destroying, animal, indispensable relation two energy..."

Małgosia Butterwick, Obieg, 2007





Genesis III, Galerie Nord, Berlin 2006

Genesis IV, 9th interakcje, Piotrków Trybunalski 2007

by Angelika Fojtuch and Johannes Deimling

Duration 26 minutes

Description of action She clings on the front of his body, while he crawls on all fours into the room. From time to to he hiss and look directly in the eyes of the visitors. There he stops and tries to shake off the clinging body. After a time of heavy shaking she falls on the floor, suddenly she turns quickly around and walks like a cat through the audience and rub her head and neck on the legs of the vistors until she reaches the gallery wall. Her head buffets on it, but she keeps on crawling and didn´t get nowhere fast. He beats with his both clenched fists on his breast and shouts. He all the time face the audience. The shouts are very impressive and loud. She stands up and dance like a kind of bird while shaking her arms on the back. He is walking animal like quickly through the room and smells on the female visitors and finally comes closer to her. He starts breathing very strongly and tries to copulate with her. She tries to escape and makes sounds of fear. She is moving on the floor and she makes wiered sounds of spilling. His right hand is a clenched fist, that he hold infront of his eyes and moves it a little. His view focuses the eyes of the male visitors.  After a while he goes to her and lick her arms and face. She calmes down and crawls on the back of him. Out of her mouth she spills a couple of white small eggs on the floor. He is motionless. She crawls on the floor and both collect the eggs on one place. Now they start to bite through the eggs. He walks on all fours like a spider around and after a while she do the same. Suddenly both are shaking their bodies hardly up and down. While shanking they lay down their bodies on the floor and thrash around like fishes on the land. The movements get less and less and stop after a while.


Photos: artist and Johannes Lothar Schroeder

