Ask the curator! | 2012

Duration 7-15 min.
1 | Independence.Do | Museo De Arte Moderno | Santo Domingo
2 | Future of Imagination 8 | Goodman Arts Centre | Singapore
3 | Nauczyciele. Sokrates u Duchampa | IS Wyspa |Gdańsk

Santo Domingo



Photos: Fausto Gracia

Three reasons – one performance.

The curator is present in the audience. I walk over to him.
I take his hand and ask him if his hand is a place for art. If he answers “Yes, this is a place for art.”, I rub olive oil on this place.

If he answers “No, this is not a place for art.”, I repeat after him that this is not a place for art.
I ask about his foot. If he answers “Yes, this is a place for art.”, I rub olive oil on this place.
If he answers “No, this is not a place for art.” I repeat after him that this is not a place for art.

I ask about his mouth …
I ask about his eyes …
I ask about his ears …
I ask about his head …
I ask about his heart…
I ask about his genitals …

Each curator gives different answers:
One curator answers all the questions in the affirmative.
One curator answers some of the questions in the affirmative and some in the negative.
One curator avoids to answer.


Videos: Fausto Gracia, Maciej Salamon

Angelika Fojtuch Port | Email: portperformance (at) angelikafojtuch (dot) net